Blackheads vs. Whiteheads


+ How do different types of facial cleansing target either of these issues?

In: 29

4 Answers

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First we need to understand what a pimple is. Pimples form when oils, bacteria, dead skin cells, and waxes produced by our body block pores. When those blockages remain near the surface they pickup dirt and darken becoming black heads. When the blockages are recognized as infections our body’s respond in an immune response which is filling the pore with puss and then becoming inflamed and painful in an attempt to push out the blockage this generally presents as a white head but black heads can become inflamed and painful aswell. You may have seen or heard of a so called core it is generally white semi hard well that’s actually what was blocking the pore.

Now as for washing most products are aimed at flushing and removing the oils and dead skin before they plug the pores and it can soften and lubricate the already developing pimples. Too much can cause dry flaky skin so good facial moisturizer can help further.

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