Blood in vacuum space


Okay so my English is not so very good but I can’t figure out how the blood boil like water on stove boil in vacuum space like how? I tried to look it up on google but couldn’t understand what the heck I was reading “atmospheric pressure on low temperature” ??? Wouldn’t low temperature do the opposite I just don’t get it haha xD

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4 Answers

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The absence of air in space means that the temperature doesn’t matter that much. A body in space isn’t going to change temperature very quickly, though some evaporative (actually advective) heat loss will occur.

The low, essentially zero pressure means that liquids can’t exist. Everything is going to turn into a solid or a gas. You can [do experiments on earth]( where you put cool water in a chamber and pump out the air. Once the pressure drops the water boils without its temperature increasing.

Human body temperature is around 37°C and, at that temperature, water doesn’t boil until you go under 76 mmHg of pressure. That’s lower than many people’s blood pressure so the rate at which water in the body turns into a gas won’t necessarily be very high.

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