“Bond values go down when interest rates go up.”


I was reading this article in the Motley Fool about Silicon Valley Bank’s closure and in this paragraph was a bunch of terms that I couldn’t wrap my head around. But the thing that got me was: “bond values go down when interest rates go up.”

Can someone explain *why* bond values go down when interest goes up? And what crash course on economics I should take to get a handle on all this?

Excerpt from article:

>”This is where Silicon Valley Bank went wrong. It bought too many higher-yielding held-to-maturity (HTM) assets that were meant to be — as their classification suggests — held until they mature; this maturity could be as much 30 years into the future. The over-commitment to the wrong long-term assets subsequently prevented the bank from buying enough shorter-term, available-for-sale (AFS) bonds and debt instruments that (if necessary) could have been sold to fund customer withdrawals. Less than one-fourth of SVB’s securities backing customer deposits were of the available-for-sale variety, in fact. Aggravating the misstep was the purchase of fixed-income instruments that proved overly sensitive to rate hikes. Remember, bond values go down when interest rates go up.
>It was this unhealthy mix of assets that would eventually deal the death blow.”

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