Both of my parents have rhD positive blood. I came out with rhD negative blood. How?


Mum: O+
Dad: B+
Me: O-

In: 673

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your parents both have a dominant copy of the rh+ gene and a recessive copy of the rh- gene.

If one of your parents passed on a positive gene, your blood would be rh positive. That wasn’t the case. Both of your parents passed on the rh negative gene, which makes you rh negative. There’s a 1/4 chance of that happening. If your parents had four kids, statistically, one should have only two rh positive genes, two should have positive and negative (which will express positively) and one (you) would have two negative genes.

Tldr: your parents each have an rh negative copy of genes in addition to their rh positive copy. They passed on the negative instead of the positive.

Anonymous 0 Comments

On a different note, please donate your magic blood when you are of age. Seriously, you are the best of the best, bloodwise.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My best friend (brown hair, brown eyes) and his wife (brown hair, brown eyes) have 4 children. Two of the kids look like them.

I have (blond hair, blue eyes), so do two of their kids.

More than one person has accused me of being the *milk-man*.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You are a universal donor. Congratulations! Everyone is out for your blood! Er, I mean… it is very useful if you want to donate….voluntarily…

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mum and dad both have + and – but since + is dominant it is what shows. As for you, you rolled a 1/4 chance to get both –

Anonymous 0 Comments

Obviously a nurse lied to me. I have O+ blood. My husband had A- blood. My daughter has A+ blood. They told me the child always has the ‘reverse’ (plus or minus) of the letter-type of the father. Clearly reading these answers, this is not so at all!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mom has O+ and O-. O+ wins

Dad has O+ and O-. O+ wins

Their offspring could get

1. O+ and O+, O+ wins
2. O+ and O-, O+ wins
3. O- and O-, O- wins

You are possibility #3

Edit: This is a vast oversimplification. Without getting too much into genetics, statistics, dominant trait etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ohhhh to piggyback off this post, my mom had O+ and my dad had O-. I have B+. How?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wasn’t there one of these on TIFU where someone wanted to know how their blood type was possible with their parents’ types, and it turned out it wasn’t…?