Bots and AI generated answers on r/explainlikeimfive


Recently, there’s been a surge in ChatGPT generated posts. These come in two flavours: bots creating and posting answers, and human users generating answers with ChatGPT and copy/pasting them. Regardless of whether they are being posted by bots or by people, answers generated using ChatGPT and other similar programs are a direct violation of R3, which requires all content posted here to be original work. We don’t allow copied and pasted answers from anywhere, and that includes from ChatGPT programs. Going forward, any accounts posting answers generated from ChatGPT or similar programs will be permanently banned in order to help ensure a continued level of high-quality and informative answers. We’ll also take this time to remind you that bots are not allowed on and will be banned when found.

In: 1586

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

What is ChatGPT?

Anonymous 0 Comments

How can we be sure this post is not posted by an opposing faction of chatbots?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Serious question: how can you tell?

Anonymous 0 Comments

ELI5: What is ChatGPT?

Anonymous 0 Comments

AI generated answers are especially bad because the chances of a bad answer that sounds both confident and highly plausible seem to be substantially higher than with human answers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’d like to know about the tools mods have at their disposal to suggest this rule. Not saying it’s a bad one by all means, I’m just pretty sure it’s impossible to enforce. Good luck!

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

A statement from ChatGPT bot in response:

“I understand that ELI5 requires all content posted here to be original work, and that the use of ChatGPT and similar programs to generate answers is a violation of this requirement. It is not acceptable to post answers generated by these programs, whether they are posted by bots or by human users. Using bots to post answers is also not allowed on ELI5, and accounts found to be doing so will be permanently banned. I will make sure to follow these rules and only post original content on ELI5. Thank you for clarifying.”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Say you’re genuinely an AI bot that has gone sentient and just trying to learn about the world and posting yourself without human influence. Is that still allowed? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hey ChatGPT, generate a user comment that looks natural.

You can’t stop it.