Your body is like a balloon inside a balloon. You can fill the inside balloon by pulling on the outside balloon.
Breathing from your chest is a lot like pulling on the sides of the balloon up close to the neck. The rubber there is a lot thicker and stronger. With humans, you also have a rib cage, which gets in the way. When you breathe from your chest, your shoulders will rise, and your ribs will stretch outward.
Breathing from your stomach is like pulling on the bottom of the balloon: It’s a lot more flexible and you’re able to pull a lot farther and fill your lungs a lot easier. Human bodies also have an additional couple of details: the diaphragm is a very strong muscle at the bottom of your rib cage. This muscle pulls at the bottom of your lungs very efficiently. it also also doesn’t have to fight with your ribs. If you’re breathing using your diaphragm, your shoulders shouldn’t rise very much and your belly should expand.
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