– Buyers and sellers in the order book how come their listing aren’t the same price as current market price?


I’m new to crypto and trading and want to understand more of how things work behind the scenes. I have few questions to ask.

1) If Bitcoin current price is $27000 then why in the order book listing buyers and sellers are not buying and selling their Bitcoin at the exact current market price? Can they just list it whatever price they please like $35000?

2) Does the buy and sell listing in the order book have an affect on the current market price in any way? If so how and what happens?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

1) Because they don’t want to. They want to sell at a higher price, and have a standing order to sell _if_ a buyer emerges that will pay that higher price. If/when the market price rises to the price of their sell order, the transaction will happen.

2) Yes. The market price is the price where the number of people willing to buy at a given price is equal to the number of people willing to sell at that same price. Of course, buyers want to pay less and sellers want to sell for more, but so long as their “I guess I’ll take it” prices match then the transaction will happen. As the number of buyers/sellers willing to transact at different prices changes, so will the market price.

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