What is the reason behind California cancer warning labels? Literally everything seems to be causing cancer. I just bought a few s2s maple boards from a local lumber supplier and each one had a sticker saying it’s known to the State of California to cause cancer. A maple board? There’s no treatment or paint on it. It’s just a milled and poorly planed piece of lumber.
In: Other
Idea was to use the market to encourage producers to manufacture less dangerous items. Require them to label, and they’ll have to either put the effort into producing safer versions of their products or suffer the competitive consequences of selling a maybe cheaper cancer causing version of an item.
Turns out the way companies procure products or inputs doesn’t make knowing what’s in them easy, and using and holding accountable suppliers that provide safe versions is more difficult and less profitable, so they just slap a warning on everything because the sticker is cheaper than accountable production and an overwhelmed consumer can’t make an intelligent choice.
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