Can anyone explain inductive vs deductive reasoning to me.


Almost every website that talks about it says, “Inductive reasoning is a bottom up” approach while “deductive is a top down approach”.
Can anyone explain to me the THE DIFFERENCE? What makes these two forms of reasoning so different? Examples are always appreciated as well.

In: 121

29 Answers

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Deductive reasoning (top down) is when you use a rule to form a conclusion. For example, a rule could be A=B. So, if you see an A, the conclusion is that it is also B.

Inductive reasoning (bottom up) is when you use a conclusion to create a rule. So, let’s say you examine a bunch of A’s, and by observation realize that they are also B. With that info, you theorize that A=B.

The terms bottom/top up refer to how the conclusion relates to the rule. The rule is on top, the conclusion is on the bottom. When use a rule to determine the conclusion, that is from top to bottom (deductive). When you use a conclusion to make the rule, you are going from bottom to top (inductive).

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