Can Cell tower be used to transmit Wi-Fi and if so, does that make their signal stronger (more far reaching) than the Wi-Fi Signal a router emits?


Can Cell tower be used to transmit Wi-Fi and if so, does that make their signal stronger (more far reaching) than the Wi-Fi Signal a router emits?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cell phones transmit at 0.5-1W max.

Cell phone companies provide wireless data over a wireless frequency. Usually in the 700 mhz, 800 mhz, 2100 mhz or 2600 MHz range. Some frequencies are better at reaching a phone 3 miles away. Other frequencies are better if you’re 50 feet from a tower but behind concrete. Bigger phone companies usually have 5-7 bands of wireless data, while smaller companies have 1-3 bands.

Wi-Fi is typically a 5 ghz signal which is 7 times higher than a 700 MHz frequency. So data transfer happens quicker. You’re taking a wired signal, and broadcasting it at 5 ghz.

Cell phone companies are broadcasting at significantly lower frequencies.

Google “speed checkup” if you’re reading this at home. Screenshot the result. Then in a parking lot, perform the same test. The result will most likely be significantly less over wireless data vs a Wi-Fi network.

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