Can cooking pans “burn”? Why are the bottom of all my pans brown?


I’m doing a whole mess of dishes while my kid is asleep and i just finished washing pots and pans. I scrub the heck out of them but there’s always some black and brown coloration on the bottom of it. am I using too much heat so there’s something happening to the metal? if it’s not happening to the metal itself what is it and why does it seem like it refuses every effort I make to clean it?

edit: since it seems i wasn’t clear enough initially, but bottom of the pan i did indeed mean the underside that is in contact with the burner, not the interior bottom of the pan!

In: 157

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If it’s a gas stove it can be carbon soot deposits from the incomplete burning of methane. Over time with exposure to high heat it forms a graphene matrix that can bond to the surface and is as hard if not harder than the metal surface it bonded to. At which point it’s difficult to find anything in the kitchen that will actually remove it. (The stuff that will remove that will also eat or scrape through the pans, so it’s a lost cause at some point.)

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