Can inertia be used as a force for propulsion?


Can inertia be used as a force for propulsion?

In: 9

11 Answers

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I’m not exactly sure what your question means specifically, but jumping is an example of using inertia to creation propulsion. the earth is massive and has a ton of inertia, so when you push against it to jump, the earth stays put, and you push off of it and propel yourself into the air. (technically the earth does move, but by an amount that I think would be just about impossible to measure)

but I think you might mean if you’re floating in the middle of space, if you can use inertia to “swim” through space? other than the whole suffocation and freezing to death part, it’s possible yes to use inertia to create propulsion. but it’s not free, and you’re expending energy to create the movement

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