can math be though of as a set of rules that describe everything that exist?


I keep on thinking that everything around us is basically just information. Be it DNA, atoms, or spacetime itself. And math is the set of rules that explain the interaction, flow and existence of this information. We did not uncover all the rules yet. Does this make sense?

In: 8

25 Answers

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Not realy.
Math is a tool that can describe things that exists but also things that dont exists. The rules that describe what is possible is not math but physics. This is the meta anwser.

The other anwser to your question/thought that everything around is just information is a question that is often debated in physics and is called deterministic universe theory. Which basicly means that if you know the state of everything at somepoint and all the “rules to the universe” that you could determine all states afterwards. It is currently unclear if this is the case because at it is we think it is impossible to get know all states of everything because of the uncertainty principle and other quatum effects.

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