Can objects get colder than the ambient temperature around them?


Say you store a vehicle outside all winter, if there was an usually cold week, say -20 degrees Fahrenheit for example, is it possible for the car to be colder than the -20 since it sat weeks prior to the -20 temps?

In: 594

31 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes and no.

A object with no active cooling system that’s switched on and running? No.

An object with a cooling system, like a refrigerator or a freezer? Yes.

If your car is switched off and just sitting in the ambient air, it will always be at or close to the temperature of that ambient air.

Others have explained why things feel hotter/colder to us despite being similar temperatures.
E.g. metal at 20c will feel colder than most plastics at 20c.

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