Can one sleep during the days and work during nights with no health damage?


It seems that doctors find that being a night owl is completely unacceptable. True or not?

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5 Answers

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Can you? Yes, if you are disciplined enough to do it.

I worked 2nd or 3rd shift from 1989-2015. I worked 1st shift from Aug 2015-Mar 2023. I just went back to 2nd shift at the beginning of April.

My mental and physical health was at its lowest during those 1st shift years. I hated everything about it. From the hours i had to live to the people i had to deal with, it all sucked.

The key to working nights is consistency. You need to have a set sleep-wake schedule, and you don’t want to deviate from it any more than absolutely necessary.

The problem people have with working nights is they’ll live one schedule on the days they work, then they’ll try to flip their schedule to a day shift schedule on their days off. That bouncing around of their sleep schedule just ensures they’ll spend about half the week not getting enough sleep. And that’s where the health issues come in.

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