Can pornography negatively affect your brain and body?


I have many friends who claim porn is “bad for your brain.” What does this mean? Can casual porn viewing negatively impact your body?

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5 Answers

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I’m a sex addict with 2 1/2 years in recovery.

ELI5: Hostess cupcakes are really good. You can go to the store and get a whole bunch of them. But you know what else is good? Getting flour, and sugar, and and eggs and chocolate and making your own cupcakes with your friends.

Non ELI5: Taking out the sexual content, on the whole, it’s an objective power play. The woman’s needs are secondary, and it plays to the gratification of the viewer.

In that sense it’s sorta like watching Fox News all the time. You’re basically going to hear a lot of what you want to hear that makes you feel good.

Like Fox News, you end up in a weird echo chamber that reinforces this world view.

Pornography is almost universally across the board the first step for sex addicts. Often leading to what’s called a “horde.” What’s interesting is as an addict, you’ll actually form an emotional attachment to your horde. Why resolve that difficult conflict with your partner, when you can get a simulacrum of your emotional needs met by your horde.

Back to the cupcake analogy… it takes more work making them from scratch, but there’s opportunities to make connections with other people, it’ll likely taste better, be customized more for your and healthier.

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