Can somebody help me understand Deleuze & Guattari “rhizome” concept?


Can somebody help me understand Deleuze & Guattari “rhizome” concept?

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The rhizome concept from Deleuze and Guattari is basically saying, forget about the tree-like, hierarchical ways you’ve been taught to understand stuff. Instead, imagine knowledge, systems, or whatever as a sprawling network with no center. Like a ginger root, man. One point can connect to any other point, and there’s no one spot that’s more important than the others. It’s an anti-structure structure.

So in traditional thinking, you start from a central point or concept and build outwards, like branches on a tree. But with a rhizome, any point can connect to any other, and it can grow or evolve in any direction. Think of it like how hypertext works on the internet. You can jump from one thing to another without having to follow a set path.

It’s kinda like a resistance to traditional, hierarchical ways of thinking? Makes you reconsider how we’re all connected and how systems and ideas develop. It’s actually pretty amazing when you really dig into it.