can someone explain how tap water is safe to drink?


Surely the many miles of underground pipes are a breeding ground for microbes, right?

In: 122

105 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Positive pressure and chlorine. Water mains are always under pressure, so even if there’s a leak, water flows out and contaminants never flow in. If the pressure drops severely in the mains utilities will issue boil water orders for a while because groundwater containing bacteria and other toxins could have seeped in. The water in the mains and the surfaces of the mains isn’t as big a breeding ground for bacteria as it might seem because properly-treated water will have had almost all of the nutrients that could feed colonies of bacteria removed from it. The chlorine added at the end of the treatment process kills any bacteria before the water reaches the mains, and stays in the water to kill any bacteria that somehow manage to work their way into the system.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Underground pipes filled with water, generally flowing pretty fast, is a really bad breeding ground for most microorganism. There’s little food, little oxygen and no sunlight. Even before water treatment and modern sanitation underground aquaducts were generally considered the safest place to get water short of going to a spring yourself.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Underground pipes filled with water, generally flowing pretty fast, is a really bad breeding ground for most microorganism. There’s little food, little oxygen and no sunlight. Even before water treatment and modern sanitation underground aquaducts were generally considered the safest place to get water short of going to a spring yourself.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Underground pipes filled with water, generally flowing pretty fast, is a really bad breeding ground for most microorganism. There’s little food, little oxygen and no sunlight. Even before water treatment and modern sanitation underground aquaducts were generally considered the safest place to get water short of going to a spring yourself.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The water is never sitting still.

Ice maker kicks on, water flow. Flush a toilet, water flow. Run Dishwasher, water flow. Brushed teeth, you get the idea. All this comes into your home on a 3/4 to 1 inch piece of copper. And everyone else is doing the same thing, not to mention all the leaks. The water in pipes never stops long enough to grow anything.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The water is never sitting still.

Ice maker kicks on, water flow. Flush a toilet, water flow. Run Dishwasher, water flow. Brushed teeth, you get the idea. All this comes into your home on a 3/4 to 1 inch piece of copper. And everyone else is doing the same thing, not to mention all the leaks. The water in pipes never stops long enough to grow anything.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The water is never sitting still.

Ice maker kicks on, water flow. Flush a toilet, water flow. Run Dishwasher, water flow. Brushed teeth, you get the idea. All this comes into your home on a 3/4 to 1 inch piece of copper. And everyone else is doing the same thing, not to mention all the leaks. The water in pipes never stops long enough to grow anything.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have a well, no filters, no softener. My area has the cleanest water table in the state.

As for why I do not die: my well is sufficiently far from my leach bed to not get contaminated by the septic. The dirt and sediment in the ground is a natural filter for most things. Giardia and stuff can live in deep ground water but it needs to be contaminated first. Check regularly.

Other than that, I’m sure I’m drinking pesticides because every well in America is at this point..

Other bacteria often need low pressure and oxygen to really grow. Neither of those are the case 50+ feet down. The temp is also a hindrance to most things, other than again stuff like Giardia.

In some places you need nothing. Lack of air, existing high pressure, low temperature and frequent use don’t allow for build up of the bad stuff.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have a well, no filters, no softener. My area has the cleanest water table in the state.

As for why I do not die: my well is sufficiently far from my leach bed to not get contaminated by the septic. The dirt and sediment in the ground is a natural filter for most things. Giardia and stuff can live in deep ground water but it needs to be contaminated first. Check regularly.

Other than that, I’m sure I’m drinking pesticides because every well in America is at this point..

Other bacteria often need low pressure and oxygen to really grow. Neither of those are the case 50+ feet down. The temp is also a hindrance to most things, other than again stuff like Giardia.

In some places you need nothing. Lack of air, existing high pressure, low temperature and frequent use don’t allow for build up of the bad stuff.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have a well, no filters, no softener. My area has the cleanest water table in the state.

As for why I do not die: my well is sufficiently far from my leach bed to not get contaminated by the septic. The dirt and sediment in the ground is a natural filter for most things. Giardia and stuff can live in deep ground water but it needs to be contaminated first. Check regularly.

Other than that, I’m sure I’m drinking pesticides because every well in America is at this point..

Other bacteria often need low pressure and oxygen to really grow. Neither of those are the case 50+ feet down. The temp is also a hindrance to most things, other than again stuff like Giardia.

In some places you need nothing. Lack of air, existing high pressure, low temperature and frequent use don’t allow for build up of the bad stuff.

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