can someone explain how tap water is safe to drink?


Surely the many miles of underground pipes are a breeding ground for microbes, right?

In: 122

105 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Who the fucks drinks tap water,? Don’t you guys have ro water filter at home? It costs 100 bucks something

Anonymous 0 Comments

So its more than just chlorine and chemicals.

For bacteria and other microbes to take root in your water system, the water has to stagnate.

A properly designed municipal water system is made up of a network of loops and dumps to keep water moving constantly through the system to mitigate the risk stagnation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So its more than just chlorine and chemicals.

For bacteria and other microbes to take root in your water system, the water has to stagnate.

A properly designed municipal water system is made up of a network of loops and dumps to keep water moving constantly through the system to mitigate the risk stagnation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So its more than just chlorine and chemicals.

For bacteria and other microbes to take root in your water system, the water has to stagnate.

A properly designed municipal water system is made up of a network of loops and dumps to keep water moving constantly through the system to mitigate the risk stagnation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Five year old explanation: you know how when you go swimming it smells weird because of the water cleaner?

That’s called chlorine.

And we put chlorine in our tap water so when it whizzes down the pipes it stays clean and safe to drink because it kills the little beasties called ‘microbes’ which would give you an upset stomach and might live in the pipes and tanks.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Five year old explanation: you know how when you go swimming it smells weird because of the water cleaner?

That’s called chlorine.

And we put chlorine in our tap water so when it whizzes down the pipes it stays clean and safe to drink because it kills the little beasties called ‘microbes’ which would give you an upset stomach and might live in the pipes and tanks.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Five year old explanation: you know how when you go swimming it smells weird because of the water cleaner?

That’s called chlorine.

And we put chlorine in our tap water so when it whizzes down the pipes it stays clean and safe to drink because it kills the little beasties called ‘microbes’ which would give you an upset stomach and might live in the pipes and tanks.

Anonymous 0 Comments

bottled water has 60 times the microplastics you can find in tap water. it’s better to drink tap water anyway

Anonymous 0 Comments

bottled water has 60 times the microplastics you can find in tap water. it’s better to drink tap water anyway

Anonymous 0 Comments

bottled water has 60 times the microplastics you can find in tap water. it’s better to drink tap water anyway