: Can someone explain pragmatism to me?


can someone explain pragmatism to me? im quite young and i dont really know what it means, also english is not my first language

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4 Answers

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You can contrast Pragmatism against Idealism to make sense.

An idealist looks at a problem and says there are only two answers – solved, or unsolved. If you want to stop human hunger you either give everyone unlimited food, or you don’t. There is no in-between, solved or not solved.

A pragmatist would look for the middle areas. Ok, I can give some people unlimited food, I can give a bunch more people cheap food, and then that leaves a bunch of people who are still hungry. It’s not perfect, but it’s a start and we can improve as we go.

A pragmatist can accept that non-perfect is still better than nothing at all. An idealist will only accept perfection.

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