Can someone explain the concept object relations in psychology?


Is it like an imaginary friend that you talk to?

Especially the concept of a good and bad object. Can someone provide an example of how this manifests?

I’ve only ever consciously done this when I was grieving and pictured my person in my head and talked to them sometimes.

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Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know it in this context, as in my exposure, is not an imaginary friend. My understanding comes from the field of developmental psychology. The concept is that infants during early development understand that an object exists even when it can’t be seen or heard. So if the infant goes out with mum or dad, but leave the pet dog at home, even though the child can’t see or hear the dog, they have learned that dogs exist. They reinforce this knowledge of when out, they see a dog ad say “doggy, doggy, doggy”. The age that this happens in developing humans is still not agreed.