Can someone explain the purpose of digital convenience fees?


I would’ve thought that makes it easier on all parties. Or is this just another way to suck money out of people?

In: 34

16 Answers

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Fees in general are a way for a company to diversify their customer experience while not having to change prices. For example a grocery delivery fee is added because the typical customer experience is to go to the grocery store. Instead of repricing all the goods for delivery they just add the fee. Sometimes when doing events it’s easier to put a venue fee in the pricing than reprice all the tickets. For example let’s say Pearl Jam wants to sell concert tickets for $75. Different venues are going to charge different prices for Pearl Jam to play, and to keep the prices simple the ticket company might add on a venue fee per ticket.

Then of course there’s fees just to suck money out of people. They’re already invested heavily and fees are a good way to profit once you’ve got a fish on the line. You’ll usually see them w/ bigger investments like cars, houses, boats, and the like.

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