Can someone please explain to me what residual or trailing interest is?


From my understanding the majority of credit card interest is considered simple interest (google told me). My wife has a credit card that has trailing interest, can anyone please help me understand what this is exactly?

What I have gathered the trailing interest calculates after the close of that current billing period and beginning of the next. However, I hardly understand the simple interest to be honest. I am mostly looking for a numerical comparison explanation to actually see and understand.

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Trailing interest is the interest between when you get the bill, and when you pay the bill.

The way simple interest works is, if I give you a loan of $20 with 5% interest per day, after 1 day you’ll owe 1.05 x 20 = 21. After 2 days, you’ll owe 1.05 x 21 = 22.05. After 3 days, you’ll owe 1.05 x 22.05 = 23.15. And so on and so forth, until you pay it.

So with trailing interest – imagine on day 1, I send you a bill for $21. Because on Day 1 that’s how much you owe. You pay me $21 on Day 3. But by Day 3, you owe $23.15, which is an extra $2.15 than your bill said. That $2.15 interest that accrued before you paid it, is trailing interest.