Can someone remind me how shadows in the ground prove the curvature and roundness of the Earth?


I know shadows in the ground prove how the Earth is positioned close the Sun and how the light reflects off the moon and something to do with the curvature of space and/or roundness of Earth but can someone give me a quick overview? Something to do with the roundness of Earth creates shadows.

Also, for the stupid Flat Earthers, I know flat land or flat surfaces don’t experience as many shadows or very rarely, but yeah can someone explain?

Thanks for helping the random thought.

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5 Answers

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Is there a way to report a question for making too many false assumptions:

– the Earth is not that close to the Sun

– the moon CAN cast shadows, but it’s primarily the Sun

– this has nothing to do with “the curvature of space”

– Flat land experiences shadows all the time

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