How can there be officers of the same rank in any unit? For one if an issue arises regarding who is above whom, for people of the same rank seniority ultimately places you above the other one so that solves that. But that is rarely something anyone has to resort to.
In reality rank isn’t as important as people think. Yes it does hold power and some people choose to abuse that but for the most part service members just communicate like people do and get their job done as you do in any other professional setting. Everyone has a rank yes but everyone also has a specific job. One officer may be responsible for the armory and one may be responsible for the mess and that’s each officer’s job and what they should stick to, they don’t get to tell the other one how to do their job. As far as combat duties go each officer is responsible for their own platoon so again neither of them gets to tell the other how to do their job, they both answer to the same commander but are otherwise free to run their duties as they see fit.
That’s basically how it goes for anything. People are assigned jobs and roles and they carry them out.
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