Can too many frequencies or just wifi signals cause problems in a closed space? Why or why not?


Reason why this came to me. I recently was using a digital audio board in a room with 300 people/cellphones, police/fire/emt with radios and multiple wifi networks. My ipad refused to connect to the audio board. So this got me thinking if it was possible to have too much wireless clutter in the air. Added bonus if anyone can explain how to avoid this problem but understanding if and how it happens is most important. Thanks!

In: 33

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes this is absolutely a thing. Think of it like a bar. When there are only a handful of people there talking, the noise level isn’t bad and you can have a conversation. The more people that fill in, the louder it becomes and the harder it is to have a conversation. At some point, it gets so loud that you don’t hear something and the speaker has to say it again (retransmit) filling the air with even more noise. If enough people are in the space all talking at the same time, it becomes impossible to distinguish your conversation from the background noise.

Some systems/protocols try to minimize this by scheduling who can talk and when, like people who hand microphones to people asking questions from an audience, but that requires compliant cooperation from all the other individuals (devices) in the room.

There is a mountain of complexity when it comes to RF, but this is as simple as I can make it.

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