Can two dim-witted parents have clever kids?


Can two dim-witted parents have clever kids?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


the genetic aspects of intelligence are polygenic, that is, they are able the interaction of many genes. so far about 500 have been identified in intelligence.

that’s a whole lotta interactions.

random genetic differences because, y’know, evolution, are the starting point.

then comes epigenetics, or how environmental factors interact with genes.

having a baseline of a brighter than average brain can be enhanced or nerfed by environmental conditions like if a kid is being starved by their parents either physically (food) or cognitively (not interacting with the toddler, or abusing the kid).

Anonymous 0 Comments


My cousin’s parents are so dumb and dysfunctional it takes them a week to put together a 4 piece puzzle.

He, on the other hand has, is a doctor, multiple black belts, a great wife, and a really smart little boy to look after.

Genetics isn’t everything.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There isn’t necessarily a strong genetic link between for intelligence, there is some correlation but there’s no mechanism for intelligence being heritable (not as far as I know). So yes, with the right learning, and parenting, any parent can have intelligent children, and barring intellectual disabilities, anyone can become more clever