Can you hear sonar from inside the ship (generally)

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Say you are shooting a pulse at a ship, will someone in the target ship hear said pulse? If they were leaning on some part of the inner hull attached to the outter hull.

Second question, does the using the sonar hear their own pulse? Like some joe in the mess hall is having having coffee and the technician decides to ping somewhere, if its quiet enuff will he hear it?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the case of anti-submarine sonar (Mid-frequency sonars). Yes. They use frequencies that the human ear can hear and they’re insanely loud. Highest powered pings are equivalent to the sonar clicks of a blue whale. Even the backwash is loud enough to be audible.

In the case of navigational sonar. No. They tend to operate in high ultrasound frequencies, too high pitched for a human (or fish) to hear.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not really. Firstly noone listen to sonar anymore. Moder sonars give visual output for human operator but long long time ago there were accualy people who have been interpreting signals as they went but it wasn’t nearly as precise nor as useful as of today. Secondly sonars don’t use frequencies humans can hear. That famous beeping sound is just an indication that sonar is working, and before computers that signal was shifted if frequency so operator would be able to hear it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on the kind being used and the distance but yes. I was a submariner and when a surface ship was looking for us you could hear it throughout the ship. If we were the ones actively using sonar looking for someone else it can be loud enough to prevent you from sleeping

Anonymous 0 Comments

Unless things have changed and I’m sure they have, yes you can hear it. It gets pretty annoying, too. I can’t tell you anything about sonar, passive or active. But, I’ve spend days on a submarine being pinged by a surface ship back in the 70s. It was so annoying.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, sonar is quite loud, so loud that it can be dangerous to people in the water close to the ship. In fact here’s a recording.

Friend of mine is a former Navy sailor and tells me this instantly reminds him of being in his bunk listening to the sonar pinging.