Cannot understand the static electric solution of touching a key first

92 viewsOtherPhysics

Hi. It’s Winter again and the static electric at my home is horrible. I already have a humidifier on and am wearing cotton clothing. I’m trying to find a solution and there’s recommendation to touch something metal first (e.g. a key) instead of being shocked by any metallic door handles — I don’t get it? wouldn’t I just be shocked by the key instead? Thanks.

In: Physics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You need a humidifier that can keep your home relative humidity around 40%. Below 30% and you’ll get zapped frequently, and even more below 20%.

Steam humidifiers that go in the duct of a forced air system handle this much better than the old water over a humidifier pad, evaporative humidification humidifier… and steam humidifiers dont have the mold problems evaporative humidifiers have.

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