Catholicism and Saints

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I’m not very religious, but whenever I travel to European countries there’s always a local “Patron Saint” that the locals admonish or pray to (like Saint Sebastien – Patron Saint of Mallorca, or Saint Lucy in Venice being the Patron Saint of the blind). My question is, how is this not technically polytheistic? I thought you were only supposed to pray to God? Thanks!

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12 Answers

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I can’t speak to other denominations, but Catholics believe in intercession which is praying on behalf of others. They’re basically asking the Saint to pray to God for them. Saints are believed to be closer to God and therefore able to bend his ear more than some random person on Earth. When a saint is associated with particular groups of people or activities, they are called a patron saint and people will pray to them for that specific purpose. This usually comes from something they did during their life. 

Catholics believe this isn’t technically polytheism because they are asking the saints to pray to God for them. This is a controversial belief and they have historically been accused of idolatry for exactly this practice, particularly with Mary, mother of Jesus. 

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