Causation vs correlation


Can someone Eli5 please.

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32 Answers

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A caused B is causation. An object thrown straight up falls back down due to gravity is causation, one action directly follows the other.

C happens at the same time as A caused B but being unrelated is causation. You throw an object up and it falls down, and at the same time the object is truck by lightning. You didn’t cause the lightning, it just happened at the same time and place as something you did cause.

One of the most common logical fallacies is ‘Post Hoc, ergo propter hoc’ which translates to ‘After it, therefore because of it’. This statement often confuses causation with correlation, as the assumption is any event B that occurs after event A was caused by it, instead of the possibility that Event B was only correlated, not caused, by Event A.

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