Chromosomes, Genes and DNA, which is bigger? Which contains which?


Google and previous gave me conflicting answers. Some said DNA are the biggest. Some said DNA are the letters, genes are the sentences and chromosomes are pages. Please help.

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21 Answers

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DNA is the kind of molecule which carries genetic information. So like there are proteins, fats, carbohydrates and so on, and then there is DNA. It’s the medium. That medium is arranged in chromosomes, which are individual strands of DNA that you can see in a microscope, for example. They look like wiggly lines. Each chromosome has several hundred genes recorded on it. Every gene is an individual record which codes for one protein to be synthesized by the organism.

So you can think of chromosomes as books and of genes as paragraphs written in those books. While DNA would be like paper or text in this analogy. And your genome is a set of 46 books.

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