Company all cash buyout, money transfer?


When a company or someone buy another company, a private company for example.

In all cash buyout, for example 50 Millions dollars.

Does the owner actually gets 50 Millions in his bank account? or how does it work?

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I have done this once and it is incredibly complicated because you need to wire money around. You work with all parties to prepare a spreadsheet that says who gets what (I.e. existing debt needing to be paid off = a wire to the bank, advisor fees = wire to the advisors). This is typically called a “funds flow” and allows you to see the various sources and uses. After all the required things are paid off, the remainder is paid out to the shareholders’ accounts. Often times you get an agent to help with the wiring process. At the end of the day, depending on how closely held the company was at the beginning, you could see a bank account with a stupidly large balance.

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