Computer hacking


I know what the broad sense of the term is, but what is it technically? I mean I know things like viruses and what are examples of what can be used to “”hack”.

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your brain the main tool for hacking.

Target 1 of a hack: Stupid People

This is your easiest hack. People are idiots. You walk into a parking lot, you drop 20 USB sticks with your autoloading key logger and wait. Guarantee at least 1 person plugs it into their work computer, 2-4 persons brings it home and plug it into their home PC.

Target 2 of hack: Garbage

You dumpster dive for documents. You are looking for email addresses, employee list, contact information, etc. Using this you can go back to target #1 by finding stupid people on the list and hit with emails which look official but get you to enter a password and now your account is compromised.

Target 3 of hack: Codebase

This is where you cannot do targets 1 and 2 and you must go in via a network. This can be tough if you don’t know what system you are trying to get into which is why #1 and #2 are very important to be able to do.

I ‘hacked’ my old works accounting system. It involved listening to the account manager typing in her password. I noticed two things, it was 9 characters and she only used the number pad to type it in. Brain starts chewing, what is 9 character long and only numeric. Phone is 7 or 10, so not a phone #. Pins are usually 4, so not a pin or double pin entry. …Is she stupid enough to be using her social security number for the password? Go to the file room, pull her investment file which contained her SS#, went to my PC, logged into the accounting system, use name, SS# and I am in. That’s a hack. Its not all PCs and typing like a moron as you see in movies, its deconstructing people and information.

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