Considering how disastrous a cyber attack on our infrastructure would be, why are these systems accessable via the internet?


After the pipeline got shot down, it got me thinking about our electrical grid. If they managed to sit it down for just a few weeks, the damage and loss of life would be catastrophic. Why on earth are these systems even accessable to anyone outside this country?

In: Engineering

21 Answers

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I work on a closed network, which is a network that’s not connected to the internet for security reasons. My work computer at my desk can connect to my coworkers’ work computers within the same room, and nothing else. I have a separate computer at my desk that I use to access the internet.

The main reason not to use them, even for systems that don’t need internet access to fulfill their purpose, is that closed networks are a pain in the butt if information needs to leave the building at all, and are less than ideal to work with even in the best situations. Working from home is difficult or impossible, heck, working from the next room over is impossible if there’s not an Ethernet cord connected to the network running into the room.

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