“correlation does not imply causation”


I’ve seen this referenced a lot, especially with psychology, but can someone explain what exactly it means? How does correlation not imply causation? Sometimes, does correlation ever imply causation?

In: 160

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Correlation = two things happen at the same time, seemingly regularly.

Causation =one thing makes another happen.

So my son gets off the bus every school day at about 3:25.

Everyday at about 3:00 I want to take a nap.

Now, my desire for a nap doesn’t make his bus arrive. His getting out of school (2:50) doesn’t make me tired. They just happen together.

It’s like parallel lines and perpendicular lines. Parallel(Correlation) lines go in the same direction but don’t cross. Perpendicular (Causation )lines cross each other.

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