“correlation does not imply causation”


I’ve seen this referenced a lot, especially with psychology, but can someone explain what exactly it means? How does correlation not imply causation? Sometimes, does correlation ever imply causation?

In: 160

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A statistacly rapport from US said ppl havibg a horse lived longer. The obviois conclusiom is ‘horses is great for your health’. In reality, ppl who can afford horses can normaly afford a good health insurance. Horse+life lengh is a CORROLARION, something here is happening, but not the CAUSEATION. Health care leads to a long life, horses are just expensice so they kind of point out ‘here is someone with money’ who can propably also pay for health insurance without going bankrupt so they get checked out by the doctor in time and fixed before its too late.

ANOTHER: ppl in the mediterian eat a lot of olive oil and drink a lot of wine. They also generaly live a little longer than the avage amarican. It seems there is a CORROLATION, but looking closer its because ppl in eu have free health care, so here it might seem like there is a corrolation but there is not – high wine and oil consumpion actualy decreeses your life expectency, its just health care boosts it even more!

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