could a video game like oxygen not included, be applicable to real life; IE: could we produce enough oxygen in a confined environment with just plants/machines?


could a video game like oxygen not included, be applicable to real life; IE: could we produce enough oxygen in a confined environment with just plants/machines?

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12 Answers

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Well, in a sense we already do: that’s what the Earth is, just on a big scale. There have been experiments to try to do it in smaller environments as well, and of course all space travel necessarily involves some degree of this.

In practice, though, oxygen isn’t the problem: carbon dioxide is. CO2 becomes toxic at about 1% (at sea level pressure, which I’ll assume throughout), and 10% will knock you out pretty quickly, then kill you. That happens well before you run out of oxygen, at least if you started with the typical 21% oxygen/very small amount (typically <~0.1%) of CO2 that you find in normal air. Most enclosed environments carry oxygen tanks, which is easy, but scrubbing CO2 from the air requires other approaches.

None of this is physically impossible or anything, it’s just an engineering and chemistry problem.

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