Could humans create food pellets containing all needed nutrition similar to what we feed pets?


Could humans create food pellets containing all needed nutrition similar to what we feed pets?

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81 Answers

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There are issues with Food Pellets and similar ideas. Humans (and other animals) require a certain amount of caloric intake – if you aren’t getting around 2000 calories, you will lose too much weight, no matter how nutrient packed a superfood is. You also need a certain amount of fiber.

It is possible to create something like a Bar of Nutrient/Fiber/Protein. In fact, a considerable number of Survival Foods are exactly that.

Humans are an interesting case study. We consider ourselves Omnivores. But pretty much all other omnivores, like say a pig, can exist on most anything. Including carrion and random garbage. We, on the other hand, are the opposite; We REQUIRE a variety of different foodstuffs.

Our biology originally evolved to be vegetarian – like most other primates. However, about 20,000 years ago (roughly a thousand generations- not much in evolution), we domesticated some wolves and turned them into dogs. They, however, also turned us onto meat! Now, although our digestive tract is still primarily designed for a vegetarian diet, our gut bacteria is totally happy with the quick protein fix provided by meat. So, we kinda need meats of different types, veggies (incuding roughage), beans, fruits, nuts, etc. So, it’s hard to make a one-stop-shop meal.

Interestingly enough, humans can pretty much exist wholly on bear and beaver meat.

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