Could humans create food pellets containing all needed nutrition similar to what we feed pets?


Could humans create food pellets containing all needed nutrition similar to what we feed pets?

In: 166

81 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I honestly try to give my pets as close to unprocessed food as possible, it just seems healthier and they seem happier – I take the same route with humans, the less processed and fresher, the better for physical health and also your mental quality of life – eating good, varied food is an engaging sensory experience that activates the pleasure centers of your brain.

I also got into broths after spending time adding water to my cats’ food to make sure they stay hydrated, cuz they’re dumb and would just eat dry food and wonder why their kidneys clapped out if I let them lol.

I’ve seen lots of claims that “efficient” foods are the way to go, but every time it just seems that there ends up being a nutritional/psychological cost to pay that technology can’t hurdle when you forgo the regular way of eating.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I honestly try to give my pets as close to unprocessed food as possible, it just seems healthier and they seem happier – I take the same route with humans, the less processed and fresher, the better for physical health and also your mental quality of life – eating good, varied food is an engaging sensory experience that activates the pleasure centers of your brain.

I also got into broths after spending time adding water to my cats’ food to make sure they stay hydrated, cuz they’re dumb and would just eat dry food and wonder why their kidneys clapped out if I let them lol.

I’ve seen lots of claims that “efficient” foods are the way to go, but every time it just seems that there ends up being a nutritional/psychological cost to pay that technology can’t hurdle when you forgo the regular way of eating.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, theres plenty of people who live off of tube feeds for large periods of their lives, often enough many years, and that provides all their nutrients. I imagine it could be formed into a pellet if they wanted to. Probably be gross as fuck to eat

Anonymous 0 Comments

There have been a few people that have tried eating **Monkey Chow** (complete nutritional food supply for lab primates). It seems that the monotony and the texture defeats them in fairly short order.

There is also **Nutraloaf**, used in some prisons as a punishment – bland and edible without utensils, but nutritionally complete.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There have been a few people that have tried eating **Monkey Chow** (complete nutritional food supply for lab primates). It seems that the monotony and the texture defeats them in fairly short order.

There is also **Nutraloaf**, used in some prisons as a punishment – bland and edible without utensils, but nutritionally complete.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, theres plenty of people who live off of tube feeds for large periods of their lives, often enough many years, and that provides all their nutrients. I imagine it could be formed into a pellet if they wanted to. Probably be gross as fuck to eat

Anonymous 0 Comments

There have been a few people that have tried eating **Monkey Chow** (complete nutritional food supply for lab primates). It seems that the monotony and the texture defeats them in fairly short order.

There is also **Nutraloaf**, used in some prisons as a punishment – bland and edible without utensils, but nutritionally complete.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, theres plenty of people who live off of tube feeds for large periods of their lives, often enough many years, and that provides all their nutrients. I imagine it could be formed into a pellet if they wanted to. Probably be gross as fuck to eat

Anonymous 0 Comments

It probably won’t be very healthy. Even dog food isn’t the best for your dogs. They would be healthier eating real food, but it will keep them alive.

Still considering the average American diet it might actually be an improvement. 🤣

Anonymous 0 Comments

It probably won’t be very healthy. Even dog food isn’t the best for your dogs. They would be healthier eating real food, but it will keep them alive.

Still considering the average American diet it might actually be an improvement. 🤣