Creatine….how does it work?


I’m using it and it is working… but im having trouble wrapping my brain around how it works. I’ve done a ton of research watched videos and im still lost.

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9 Answers

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Your body is a machine that converts food into fuel. That fuel lets your body work out and get stronger. Taking creatine supplements is putting in bonus fuel that lets you get bonus results from the same machine, but it makes the machine thirstier.

Your body naturally makes creatine from eating proteins and it uses it to fuel your muscles. Taking creatine supplements gives your body a lot more fuel that it can use in your muscles, so it makes you able to work out more and at higher intensities.
More Fuel = More Intense Workouts.

With the way your muscles work, they need to be torn/slightly damaged to repair themselves and grow bigger and stronger. A more intense workout will let you create more tears and lead to an increased gain of muscle when your body repairs itself.
More Intense Workouts = More Muscle Development.

A = C means that
More Fuel = More Muscle Development, so you get stronger.

Creatine also draws water into your muscle cells, increasing muscle size. This ties in with the intense workouts part. Bigger muscles are generally stronger and can sustain a more intense workout, leading to bigger returns in muscle development.

This is also the reason you need to stay really well hydrated when using creatine. You’ll need to drink more than normal because your muscles are storing more water than they normally would, so you’ll have to compensate with more water.

Hope this helps!

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