Criminal Gangs


In gangs they retaliate for things most people wouldn’t retaliate for. For example your car malfunctions and ends up hurting someone not knowing it was a gang member, some gangs have rules it doesn’t matter your action was a complete accident, retaliation is needed, why do a lot of gangs believe that?

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9 Answers

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This is an emotional response and it’s not exclusive to gang members. People’s first reaction when feeling wronged is often to look for someone to blame and punish, even if the situation doesn’t warrant it.

It’s not well logically thought out, and is usually based in some level of entitlement. (and a lack of intelligence)

Consider how sometimes when people get angry at someone else they break their stuff. Despite the myth that it’s just them losing control, it is almost always very deliberately done because the person feels entitled to punish the person they feel has upset them.

In a sense it stems from a warped sense of justice. They seek to get justice by evening things out, but they don’t care to factor in motivation or context. They only care that the final outcome is that they hurt. It doesn’t matter why they’re hurt or who hurt them or how, only that they hurt.

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