Criminal Gangs


In gangs they retaliate for things most people wouldn’t retaliate for. For example your car malfunctions and ends up hurting someone not knowing it was a gang member, some gangs have rules it doesn’t matter your action was a complete accident, retaliation is needed, why do a lot of gangs believe that?

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9 Answers

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The psychology of a gang member is that of a bully. Bullies lack empathy, which means that can’t feel good by making others feel good, and they desire dominance, which means that no insult or injury can be left unpunished.

How peope end up this way, and how they can be cured, is a fascinating subject. This psychology lecture (quite long, but so interesting I put it on my channel) details the causes and solutions, including the case of a violent gang leader whom the lecturer was able to help:

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