Criminal Gangs


In gangs they retaliate for things most people wouldn’t retaliate for. For example your car malfunctions and ends up hurting someone not knowing it was a gang member, some gangs have rules it doesn’t matter your action was a complete accident, retaliation is needed, why do a lot of gangs believe that?

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9 Answers

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Think about it this way: something bad happens to you that someone did. The other person says it was an accident, it wasn’t their fault, or that it was _your fault_. You can try and say it wasn’t your fault or that they’re to blame, but no one believes you. Now a terrible thing has happened and instead of getting support, everyone says “that’s what you get”.

But one day someone comes along and says “that’s fucked up, you didn’t do anything wrong. Same thing happened to me so I know what you’re going through.” Then the same thing happens again. Something bad happens to you, someone else did it, they say it’s not their fault. But now your friend comes over and says yes, it is their fault. They’re on your side, and since it’s their fault the other person needs to do something to make it right. Since it’s two people against one, the other person says sorry, helps you for the damage they’ve done, and they go on their way. And if they don’t, your friend will back you up and protect you if they try to make you do something for them.

Then a third accident happens. This time it’s _your_ fault. You messed up and someone got hurt. They say it’s your fault. But now your friend shows up and says no, you didn’t do anything wrong, the other person did. Now it’s two-against one, and the other person who had hurt needs to do something to fix this. And if they don’t, your friend will back you up and protect you if they try to make you do something for them. something wrong than you did.

Take that logic and it applies not just to gangs, but really any organization that can leverage it’s numbers to change perception of what it’s members have done. An athlete does something bad but his team has his back and says he didn’t do it. A cap does something bad but the police said he didn’t. A politician does something bad but his party says he didn’t. Etc etc.

What you see happen with gangs is just how having a large group works when they act as a community. When something bad happens to a member of that community, they will leverage the influence of their organization to demand compensation for any damage done, and that’s putting it nicely. And this is just what happens in an accident: sometimes there are folks who maliciously do bad things and still get away with it precisely because they belong to a gang or organization who will back then up. And how do you deal with people like that?

By having a gang of your own to back you up.

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