Death of Queen Elizabeth II Megathread


Elizabeth II, queen of England, died today. We expect many people will have questions about this subject. Please direct all of those questions here: other threads will be deleted.

Please remember to **be respectful**. Rule 1 does not just apply to redditors, it applies to everyone. Regardless of anyone’s personal feelings about her or the royal family, there are human beings grieving the loss of a loved one.

Please remember to **be objective**. is not the appropriate forum to discuss your personal feelings about the royal family, any individual members of the royal family, etc. Questions and comments should be about objective topics. Opinionated discussion can be healthy, but it belongs in subreddits like /r/changemyview, not ELI5.

In: 15

33 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I really just want to know if this event will have any actual repercussions on her “subjects”. Will things change for people at all?

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Does this make Camilla queen then? Would she take power if Charles passes first? Are her kids eligible for the crown at some point now or does it follow with the kids he had with princess Di?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Can someone explain why heads of state bothered publically meeting with her if she had no real power?

Anonymous 0 Comments

How does this affect the commonwealth countries? I heard that Australia might remove itself from the commonwealth now, but I don’t understand why it really matters if whoever sits on the thrown is a figurehead and those countries are basically independent anyway.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Can someone explain what this means for America, if anything?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why do some people dislike the Queen? I’ve seen a lot of hateful comments and some even saying they feel “giddy” that she passed. Did I miss something?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Does the Queen (or King) of England have any actual power in todays age? (And if so can you ELi5) Or are they purely a figurehead ?

Anonymous 0 Comments

My question is, what will happen to the future of her reign?

It seems I can’t get any solid answer on this question and if I have, it is undecided. I know it seems silly and God Bless her soul, but I am still very curious. Thank you for responding. I appreciate it. Sorry I am also on phone so formating might be weird.