I’ve put up [a little Desmos graph to demonstrate](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/3ttc6n3bhk). On that graph, you can see, the tangent and secant together with a unit circle. You can see, that “tangent” is really a tangent to circle, and “secant” is where the tangent inter**sects** the X axis.
The question of derivative basically boils down to the question: if we make a little nudge `dx` to the `x`, how much does `sec x` grows? In other words, how much is `d(sec x)`? You can control `dx` on the graph with the first slider (labeled `ϕ_d`). You can also use the “play” button on the left of it to play an animation.
The change to `sec x` is comprised of 3 factors:
* Rotation of tangent line
* “Extension” of tangent line, until it intersects the secant.
* Movement of point P around the circle
Let’s consider them one by one:
**Step 0.** Movement of point P around the circle can be ignored. For small `dx`, its contribution to the result is negligible. We can just pretend, that tangent line just rotates in place.
**Step 1.** Let’s consider, that tangent line rotates, but doesn’t extend. Where the secant point S0 will be? Well, it rotates `dx` radians around P, on a circle of radius `tan x`. So, it moves away `tan x*sin dx` distance. Because `dx` is small, `sin dx ~= dx`, so we get `tan x * dx`. Notice, that movement is perpendicular to original tangent line. That means it parallel to radius OP (because OP is also parallel to tangent).
*Step 1 conclusion.* S0 moves distance `tan x * dx` parallel to OP.
**Step 2**. Now let’s consider, that tangent moves with S0 and extends, but doesn’t rotate. That means, we “move” tangent line `tan x * dx` away from the circle. Radius OP = 1, but now it grows to `1 + tan x * dx`, so it scales by a factor of `1 + tan x * dx`. That means, that secant OS should also grow by a factor `1 + tan x * dx` (from triangle POS, it’s angles don’t change, so it stays similar to itself). So `sec x + d(sec x) = sec x * (1 + tan x * dx) = sec x + sec x * tan x * dx`, which means `d(sec x) = sec x * tan x * dx`.
So, derivative of `sec x` is `d(sec x)/dx = sec x * tan x`. The `tan x` is from rotating the tangent line without extending, `sec x` is from moving and extending tangent line without rotating.
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