Difference between RNA AND MRNA.


Beyond creating antibodies how has body chemistry changed LONG TERM if you have had an RNA jab (e.g. Astra Zeneca) compared to an MRNA (e.g. Pfizer / Moderna).

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2 Answers

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First off, there’s no difference in this case because there are only mRNA vaccines. “RNA vaccine” would just be shorthand for that. Also, the AZ jab is not an (m)RNA vaccine at all.

Second, the beauty is that beyond the generation of antibodies, they *don’t* cause long term changes, barring some sort of reaction to the adjuvants (but that’s nothing to do with the mRNA nature of the vaccine, and the same adjuvants are used in other types of vaccines too to some extent).

mRNA is a short-lived molecule. Your own cells read your DNA-encoded genome, like *read-only blueprints*, and make disposable mRNA transcripts of it to send to their protein assembly facilities, the ribosomes. The bits of mRNA from a vaccine are just added to this existing stream of instructions, and after the encoded proteins have been made, the mRNA is degraded — yours and the vaccine’s alike.

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