Dimensional analysis for dosage calculations


I’m in nursing school. I can do the fractional method just fine, but dimensional analysis is just not something I can wrap my head around. I’m not the “plug this number in here, there, etc.” person. I know the metric conversions.

I just have no idea how to set up the dimensional analysis equation.

How do you guys know what the second fraction is, how to write it, etc.?

It makes zero sense to me unless I’m watching a video, but I want to be able to do this on my own.

Thanks in advance.

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I always started by writing what I need to end up with. For example, ml/dose. Then I’d set up my first equation to start with ml. Then you just need each equation after that to cancel out the previous one until the only units you’re left with are ml/dose. So after ml/dose you could follow with 20mg/5ml then 4mg/dose. Hope that kind of makes sense, it’s difficult to explain without writing it out.

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