I was thinking do all the results have the same odds in say a standard 8 ball lottery, it feels like to me you’re less likely to get a sequential set (eg. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, not necessarily drawn in that order) than get a heap of balls at random, it just makes me wonder if the odds are the same or if I’m over thinking.
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The odds of a particular set don’t depend on the numbers. However, your average outcome will be better playing randomly selected number instead of a nice pattern.
The reason is that lots of people will intentionally pick 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. But very few people will intentionally pick 5-6-14-23-27-32-47. So if you pick the first set and win, you’re more likely to have to split the winnings with other people.
My wife picks my kids birthdays. But that’s restricting yourself to numbers between 1 and 12 plus numbers between 1 and 31. Those are going to be popular so it’s a bad choice. I dont particularly care, though, because while I think she’s basically feeding dollar bills into a paper shredder for fantasy thrills, there are a lot worse ways to get your kicks.
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