Do animated movies have teams dedicated to each character?

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Let’s take Inside Out for example.

In every scene, you can watch each emotion having different reactions and build-ups to their next piece of dialogue. I’d imagine that would be a nightmare for animation teams that are designing each scene.

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m a hobbyist animator. I know studios (especially big ones) have dedicated teams to the different tasks involved in making a movie, even a short one.

The characters need to be modelled, textured and rigged (applying “bones” and tools to make it possible later to animate.)

The rigged models are then passed to the animators and later put together (composed) with the background/sky/props/sfx.

Like in a movie you may have a team and an experienced supervisor to assure the quality and continuity.

Worth noticing a pro studio would spend weeks or months in pre-production, just to sort out the needs for different skills/characters/props and of course soundtrack and voiceovers, and that’s (again) another different skillset..

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